Track cargo Personal Area
1 USD - 511.18 KZT
1 EUR - 530.6 KZT
1 RUB - 5.28 KZT
At the right time, at the right place

Transport and logistics company “EXDEL” Since 2015, it has been providing a full range of services for the carriage of goods of any complexity and volume by road, air, rail and sea
across Kazakhstan, Russia and the whole world

The company has a well-developed information, technological, and customer base, which allows us to perform a full range of expedition services of the best quality and occupy a worthy place in the conduct of clients of their business, in terms of transportation and logistics.

The company is a part of Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ) official forwarders and today it is serviced.

170 000 т
cargo was delivered
throughout the CIS
partners around the
> 2000
Benefits of Collaboration
Personal Area
For our customers we provide a personal account
Online cargo tracking
In your account, customers can track the status of orders and location
Cargo transportation
from 30 kg to 100 tons and above
Professional consultation and full cargo escort
Own cargo terminal
Own cargo terminal and fleet without intermediaries
complex logistics projects
Our services
Submit your application
Stages of our work
Leave a request
on the site or leave
callback data
We contact
with you for a detailed
We make a calculation
cost and conclude a
We transport cargo
to the destination and
sign the documents
Turnkey cargo transportation

Cargo delivery through the door-to-door system is the easiest and most convenient way of transportation, because the freight forwarding company EXDEL takes on all the hassles associated with logistics and border crossing. As an intermediary between the shipper and the consignee, we:

  • We contact foreign partners and communicate with officials at the port of shipment and destination;
  • We carry out the declaration and registration of goods crossing customs borders, in accordance with the law;
  • We carry out paperwork and control the timely payment of required payments.

Development of routes, selection of the optimal carrier, execution of accompanying documents, nuances of local and foreign bureaucracy and communication with officials – provide EXDEL

Development of routes, selection of the optimal carrier, execution of accompanying documents, nuances of local and foreign bureaucracy and communication with officials – provide EXDEL Development of routes, selection of the optimal carrier, execution of accompanying documents, nuances of local and foreign bureaucracy and communication with officials – provide EXDEL

Development of routes, selection of the optimal carrier, execution of accompanying documents, nuances of local and foreign bureaucracy and communication with officials – provide EXDEL Development of routes, selection of the optimal carrier, execution of accompanying documents, nuances of local and foreign bureaucracy and communication with officials – provide EXDEL